days) purchased a Playtex '18 hour' brief panty girdle, and, believe me, they are not kidding when they say that one can wear them for 18 hours. I never would have believed it if | hadn't tried it, for I have been using numerous styles of gir dles for many, many years with all sorts of discomfort, but never before a brief, because I simply assumed that that it would not be practical on the male anatomy. The one I pur- chased is a high-quality one and cost me $13.00. It is a real bargain in both price and comfort. I spend so much time 'enfemme' and out in public that I could not put up with un- comfortable and/or hot girdles.

If it appears that I am dwelling too much on the subject of girdles, it is due to two reasons. First, I have had a lot of discomfort from many girdles and have done a lot of testing of different kinds. I take no pleasure in being all laced up tightly, like some Tvs. I have to be active such as getting in and out of the car, much walking, etc. If too tightly restricted, I could not walk freely and in a feminine manner. I don't want to be stiff- bodied like a lot of fat women in tight corsets. Second, and this is more important, No Tv can feel very feminine when a portion of her genitals are esposed down under her skirt! A properly fitted brief panty girdle can hold the genitals up in front of the lower abdomen in such a way that it is concealed and so comfortable that one is not even conscious of its exis- tence. With pantyhose under the brief-girdle, the appearance is 100 per cent feminine. The effect is so convincing that I would not hesitate to lift up my skirt if my sex were questioned. Of course, I have other forms of proof, including a good female- type voice and no beard, though I do have to wear a wig. So why should so many Tvs feel that a sex change is needed? I believe that the pseudo transsexuals could forget about the operation if they would use the above clothing. The beard can be eliminated only at a great expense of money, time and some pain. The voice is a problem that can not always be helped. Felicity (N.Y.)

Dear Carol:I am a 33 year old Tv, single and living alone. I work for a plant in upper N.Y. in a professional capacity. My first encounter with crossdressing happened when I was six. I I am an only child, my father was seldom at home and I grew up with two female counsins. I can remember the urge to wear
